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Friday, March 27, 2009

Maybe yes. :)

Tonight we were having dessert after dinner. If I don't have another dessert planned, Annabeth gets to pick something from what she calls the "MOPS bowl", a bowl I made at our MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group at the beginning of the year. I try not to give her sweets throughout the day, but she gets something after dinner if she eats her dinner well.

Yesterday we had an Easter Egg hunt with our MOPS group and some of the eggs had candy in them, so Annabeth had some new things in her MOPS bowl to choose from. Tonight at dinner, she was allowed to choose a piece of candy. After she ate her candy, she asked Pat if she could look in the bowl. He told her he didn't think so, because she would want something else from the bowl. She said "no, I won't," but when he let her take another look, she said, "maybe yes... Daddy, can I have something else?"

Annabeth has enjoyed playing with her blocks a lot lately. She has gotten more and more elaborate with her creations. Here is one of them from a few weeks ago. The other day she made another one that was maybe 4 times as big as this one.

1 comment:

  1. You guys just might have a designer, an engineer, or just a wonderfully creative little girl on your hands!!! Awesome job Annabeth!! Hope all is well with you guys! Congrats on the new little one coming soon. I hope you are feeling good and getting some rest right now!

    Shelley Hughes
