Annabeth is starting to learn a new skill.. counting. Up until this point, when we count with her, she has pointed to whatever we are counting (usually something in a picture in a book) and counts them, but she's not actually been counting the items -- she just counts until she feels like stopping. (Right now she can count to about 12) Last Wednesday when we were at the library, though, she actually started counting the items, pointing to each of them, and stopping when she was done. Since then, she has counted correctly intermittently, sometimes going back to her old ways, I think, when she doesn't really feel like counting. :)
A couple of other gems from the past few days that I didn't want to miss..
On the way to church, "Where's Grandma's son going?" when Pat was driving us to church. (we've had a lot of discussions lately about relationships - that she is Daddy's daughter, and that Daddy is Grandma's son, etc.)
This morning at breakfast... we were having baked oatmeal, a new recipe I tried recently. I really like it, but Annabeth doesn't seem to care for it quite as much. This morning we had it for breakfast. I fixed hers with soymilk and mine with regular milk. As usual, she wanted to taste my breakfast. She tasted it, and I asked her which one she liked better. She pointed to her bowl and said, "This one not so good" and then she pointed to my bowl and said, "and this one not so good."
Pat has been suffering from allergies lately, and today on the way to MOPS and on the way home, she was asking me about them. Annabeth: "Does Daddy have a ya-ya? (ie, owie, boo-boo... ya-ya is the Spanish slang her Grandma Maria taught her." Me: "No.." Annabeth: "What about allergies?" Also, other questions, like Annabeth: "What makes allergies?" Me: "Daddy gets allergies when the grass and flowers grow fast, and it makes his nose and eyes itch." Annabeth: "What makes the plants grow?" Me: "The rain", etc. She's definitely a curious 2 year old. :)
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