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Monday, September 22, 2008

She's got me figured out...

Tonight we were sitting at a pier on the hike and bike trail in Austin, waiting to see the bats fly. (There are millions of bats that fly from under the downtown bridge downtown that goes over the river each night.) We went down there around 7pm, and it took longer than I thought (until about 7:45) for the bats to start coming out. In the meantime, I was trying to entertain Annabeth, who was getting increasingly bored. First I gave her some animal crackers, then a crayon, from her diaper bag. She then asked me, "Mommy, may I have something from my diaper bag to make me happy?" She's got me figured out.. :)

On the way back to the hotel we took our hotel's free shuttle. The shuttle driver met Annabeth yesterday, when she said hi to him. On the way we were talking about bugs, and she said, "I don't eat bugs." I asked her, "Who eats bugs?" She said, "The bats!", continuing a conversation we were having about how the bats were flying from under the bridge to go and hunt bugs for their dinner. He said most adults don't know that. :)

Another few funny moments from this weekend...

From tonight, right before bed.. we called Pat to say goodnight, and got his voicemail. Annabeth asked me what it said, and I told her, it was Daddy's voicemail, and it said, "Hi, this is Patrick Moore, from IDModeling.." She says, "Heidi Modeling?" I said, "No, IDModeling." "Heidi Modeling?" "No, IDModeling." "No, YOU Modeling!" she said, with a laugh.

When we got to my parents house on Friday night around 1 am, I was trying to get us situated for the night, and was very tired. I must have been staring off into space for a minute, because Annabeth looked at me and said, "Mommy, what are you thinking?"

I am thankful that sometimes the small things can be very entertaining for a 2 year old - we've spent a couple of hours, I think, the last couple of days, going up and down the escalators in our hotel, per Annabeth's request, and she's still loving it!

When we were waiting to catch our plane in Albuquerque, we saw our plane park, and all the people get off. Annabeth asked if we were going to get on the plane now, and I told her they needed to clean the plane for us before we got on. She said, "Is the plane dusty?" The people who were sitting around us found it quite amusing, too, when she said (quite loudly I might add), as she pointed to the plane, "That's our plane, behind Daddy. I'm going to Texas!")

Annabeth has had a blast since we've been here, and especially has enjoyed playing with her cousins Justin, Allison, Edie, and Riley. I'll post some pictures (and hopefully some video, too) of our trip when we get home.

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