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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Balloon Fiesta

A couple Fridays ago, Annabeth and I went to the Balloon Fiesta with Uncle Earl, Auntie Cam, Kendall and Jonathan. Unfortunately, Pat couldn't come, because he had to work and wasn't feeling well. Since it was just the two of us, Annabeth and I took the shuttle from Coronado Mall, to the Balloon Fiesta Park. Annabeth was really excited to take the "shuttle bus" - the last shuttle bus she took was a couple weeks before, when we took a shuttle from airport parking to the airport.

The morning we went was a Special Shapes Mass Ascension, which means that most of the balloons taking off were special shapes, instead of the traditionally shaped hot air balloon. It is a neat morning to be at the Balloon Fiesta, and we really enjoyed it. It was a beautiful morning - not too cold, even before the sun came up, and very little wind, which means the balloons stay near the field longer and there's more of a chance to see them and get pictures before they fly away.

Jonathan and Kendall were really excited to see the Darth Vader balloon, so that's where we went first. While we were waiting for the Darth Vader ballon to take off, there were Storm Troopers walking around for the kids to meet and take pictures with:

I love this picture, with Annabeth and her cousin Kendall. Annabeth is looking up at the Storm Trooper, like she's wondering, "Who are you?"

This balloon is named "Pig."
Here's "Airplane Happy"
"Lilly Bee" and "Joey Little Bee" holding hands and kissing.
Noah's ark, reflecting the sunrise
Here's "Darth Vader" the balloon that we were waiting to see

Annabeth and Auntie Cam. The balloon behind them is called "Oggy the Friendly Dragon," but when Annabeth saw it, she said, "Look, an alligator!"
Annabeth walking with her cousin Jonny. She loves Jonny and was so excited to see Jonny and Kendall and spend time with them at the Balloon Fiesta.
Look, Kendall is holding a balloon!
Isn't this shot just hilarious? :)
Annabeth and Kendall
Annabeth enjoyed wrestling, chasing, tackling, etc Jonny as much or more than she enjoyed the balloons. She enjoyed watching the balloons for about the first 20 or so minutes we were there, and then this is where she could be found most of the rest of the time.

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