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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Trip to Texas

Here are some pictures from our trip to Texas last month. We had a great time, it was great to see our family and Pat's coworkers while we were there. I blogged a little about it last month, but didn't post any pictures then.

Here is Annabeth dancing with her Great Grandpa Frerichs at a chicken dinner we went to the second weekend we were there. I remember when I used to dance with my Grandpa like that. :)
Annabeth's cousin Allison - my brother Jon and sister-in-law Sara's second child. The last time we were in Texas, last January, we missed her being born by about a week. This is the first time we got to see her. Isn't she a cutie? :)

Aunt Sara with Allison and Annabeth

Aunt Sara with all three cousins. This is pretty typical of how Annabeth gives "hugs." She was hugging Justin the whole time we were there - by the end of the second weekend, Justin knew to brace himself for one of Annabeth's hugs when he saw her coming.
Annabeth and Justin taking a bath together. She decided she was going to wash his hair for him. Justin gave Annabeth a bath while we were there, too, but they weren't in the bathtub at the time. After Justin dumped a cup of water over her head, Annabeth came into the room, dripping, and said, "Justin gave me a bath!"
Annabeth and Grandpa Phil walking to the chicken dinner after church.

Annabeth and Justin during one of the rare moments that they were both in the same spot and still long enough to get a picture of them together.
Annabeth and Allison. Annabeth was really excited to get to hold her cousin. After she was done, she said, "I want a baby sister like Allison."
Another Annabeth and Justin picture.
Annabeth trying to fill her daddy's shoes.
Annabeth with her Great Grandpa Oestreich. He was reading her a bible book, and while he was reading, she sang (to the tune of "Jesus loves me") "Jesus loves me in a book."

Another couple of fun moments from our trip - when we went to visit my mom at work one afternoon during the week, Mom had the shaker on to polish some of the chili grills. The shaker basically uses smooth stones and shakes it with the grills to polish them - imagine a rock tumbler, but almost as tall as a person. It is very loud. I was concerned that Annabeth, who doesn't like loud noises, would be scared by it. She stayed pretty calm, and instead of getting scared, asked my mom, "What's that noise all about?" It was so cute! She was just like a little grown up.

We went with my mom a couple of times during the weekend to an assisted living home and a nursing home.

We were looking for my mom's Aunt Evelyn to visit with her, and told Annabeth we were going to see Aunt Evelyn. When we were walking down the hall, there were a lot of the residents out in the hall. One of the gentlemen in the hall said hi to Annabeth. I guess she thought we had arrived since he was being friendly to her, and she said, "Hi Evelyn!"

When we were visiting Aunt Evelyn, we asked Annabeth to sing "Jesus loves me." Annabeth said, "No, ba ba black sheep" and sang that song instead. :) She already sang "Jesus loves me" for another group of ladies earlier that weekend, so I guess she wanted a different song instead. After "Ba ba black sheep" she sang "Jesus loves me" and "Jesus loves the little children."

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