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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

"Mr. Ham"

The last couple of days, Pat's been playing with Annabeth as if his hand was a puppet. He calls it "Mr. Hand", but when Annabeth says it, it sounds like "Mr. Ham". (Pat can be pretty funny sometime, so maybe she's more accurate than we think. :) ) She absolutely loves it, and has been saying "I want Mr. Ham" a lot. Tonight she hugged his hand and said, "I love you, Mr. Ham"

Here's "Mr Ham" posing.

Today at lunch, I cut an orange for us, and told Annabeth it was a little dry. When I looked over at her, she's trying to sprinkle the orange with water from her cup.She doesn't miss much! :)

1 comment:

  1. Heidi! So great to hear from you. Annabeth is just as precious as I remember...a little bigger though. :)

    Thanks so much for getting in touch with me. Would you mind if I put a link to your blog on my blog?

    Isn't blogging so fun?

    Hope all is well, and I will talk to you again soon!
